1. i confess to Kenny Sia that i was waiting for posting, and that i will leave Level Up should i receive the news. Honestly, i was very troubled when i told the white lie, to the extend i couldn't fall asleep at night.. Thanks to a few friends and when i attended sunday service today, Reverend Lau mentioned about honesty, truth...and Yvonne reminded me about the 5Cs that we learnt at Alpha Course last Saturday =) then later in the evening, Kenny called, not his admin but him, asking to meet him in person tomorrow afternoon...hm...
2. went 'double' date with Y & B and his bro. our first time going to fish prawns, kuching had very heavy rainpour this evening, many trees were fallen, a zinc roof at the prawn house fell off too.. but C caught a big water prawn~! yay!
3. went dating with Pamela, my childhood buddy =) i think this is our first time going movies without lightbulbs =D i strongly recommend The Rise of the Planet of the Apes. It tells us that somethings are meant NOT to be changed.
Lesson re-learnt:
1. Honesty is the best policy.
2. Life is beautiful with friends =)
You working for Kenny Sia? Cool!