Thursday, September 27, 2012

Homemade Snow Skin Mooncakes

Gotta share this successfully-soft 'Enid's Snow Skin Mooncake' Recipe~!

1) 300g mooncake flour
2) 440g icing sugar
3) 100g shortening
4) 360g cold water

- Mix all ingredients, except water
- Mix well. Then, add water.
- Mix again dough becomes soft.

Best serve chilled :)

----------------------------------------------Part 2------------------------------------------------

Pot luck for fellowship @ Hock Ing Methodist Church, Kapit. Purposely walked out to town to buy the ingredients after tuition, made 5 mooncakes and left it to chill before heading to work. So yes, this is made out of love. And when I spotted a sister returned to take the second piece, with delight in her eyes, I smiled.

----------------------------------------Part 3---------------------------------------------------------

"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

For him, I've made a mental note to learn at least a new dish once a week.