Monday, July 30, 2012

Indigestion oh Indigestion~

Woke up 3 times in the middle of the night feeling nausea. Urgh, the feeling of wanting to vomit yet it didn't come out despite coughing over the sink.

Called mom early morning and she assumed I suffered from indigestion. It will take a few hours if not a couple of days to have that awful feeling cast away. The last time I vomited was 3 years ago back at IPTI, due to food poisoning. Eww. Dropped by Kapit's All Care Pharmacy, and the pharmacist prescribed Trisilox or Magnesium Trisilicate. Thank God it's chewable and kinda sweet! :)

So this is how it'll feel like at the early stages of uncomfortable, nevertheless, bearable ;)

Photo taken from:

Lesson learned: Voiced out if the tang hoon you ordered is not well cooked. -_-""

Photo taken from :

1 comment:

  1. Small things play an important part in the realization of human beings.
